Tree Service

Tree Service


Tree Service in Garden City, Michigan

There are times when a tree may damage your property when there is a natural calamity. With Summit Property Maintenance by your side, you can ensure that any hazardous or dying tree is removed seamlessly, leaving your space safer and more open. We also offer different types of tree services for our clients, and here you can check out all our tree services. 

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Different Types Of Tree Services We Offer

Tree Trimming/Pruning

Not just about aesthetics; pruning helps trees grow strong and healthy. We at Summit Property Maintenance offer tree trimming, ensuring your trees live longer and look their best.

Tree Planting

A new tree is a long-term investment in nature. Trust Summit Property Maintenance to select and plant the right tree for your soil, climate, and space.

Tree Cabling and Bracing

We believe in giving trees a fighting chance. If your trees are leaning or weak, our cabling and bracing services can offer the support they desperately need.

Tree Health Assessment

Trees can silently suffer from diseases or infestations. Regular check-ups by Summit Property Maintenance can catch and address these issues, ensuring a healthy, green canopy.

Pest and Disease Management

A pest-free tree is a happy tree. Summit Property Maintenance uses environmentally-friendly treatments to protect trees from unwanted pests and diseases.

Deep Root Fertilization

Nourish your trees from the ground up. With our deep-root fertilization, Summit Property Maintenance ensures nutrients reach where they matter most.

Tree Shaping

Let your trees be the masterpiece of your yard. Our expert hands artistically shape trees, turning them into nature sculptures.

Air Spading

Our team knows tree roots need breathing. Air spading introduced by Summit Property Maintenance revives compacted soil, ensuring roots access the necessary air.

Arborist Consultations

Make informed decisions about your trees with guidance from Summit Property Maintenance’s certified arborists.

Hedge and Shrub Pruning

Beyond trees, Summit Property Maintenance ensures the entire greenery of your landscape, including hedges and shrubs, is thriving and well-groomed.

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